SO I WANT TO ENCOURAGE ALL OF YOU to vote for Donald Trump as our ONLY HOPE for saving America. Of course, I am basing my bet on Trump standing up to his vow to nominate CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, and believing his word that he is AGAINST ABORTION, and in general more in favor of TRADITIONAL VALUES than against. On the other hand, we ALREADY KNOW what Hillary Clinton stands for...which is more of the same ol same ol': ie continued free, cheap, and legal abortions at the expense of human lives (pre-born babies are humans!) , even up to the moment of delivery; and more abuse of traditional values, and more illegal targeting of conservatives by the IRS. More excessive taxes, over-sized government, and of course the Clinton Foundation sludge fund that controls all their decisions. It's all about the money for the Clintons. And the list goes on.
Wake up Americans. Be Smart. Vote Smart. So I will be posting links SUPPORTING DONALD TRUMP here up until the election, and hopefully afterwards when he is the new president. You can also stay up to date at Trump's campaign website at
Trump Sites 2024
Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning" "On Wednesday it was reported t...
- The amazing story of Trump's Holy Bible 📖 ✝️ Listen 👂 🎧 👇👇 https://web.sermo...
" There are leftist media outlets troubled by these three generals — General James Mattis, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, and now Ge...