Trust the Book !

Trump Sites 2024

Saturday, October 8, 2016


hey friends, most of us were  STUPID punks at one time or another in life, and we LEARNED from it, and became BETTER PERSONS because of it, despite being SHAMED for it,, or maybe because we were shamed for it. Trump has been PUBLICLY SHAMED for his (extended) adolescent comments recently revealed in a timed strategic manner by the SLEAZY WASHINGTON POST. The test of character for Trump is whether he is sincerely repentant and does NOT seem to STILL be living such a VULGAR life (which seems to be the case) and the OTHER TEST OF CHARACTER,, especially for Christians, is whether WE CAN FORGIVE him, and MOVE ON and keep supporting him as the ONLY HOPE for a conservative presidency and upcoing  Supreme Court nominees. And remember, BILL CLINTON did much worse WHILE he was the president.Trump has already repented of his past sins of such sort, and appears to have learned his lesson. Dont throw out the BABY with the BATH WATER. Give TRUMP ANOTHER CHANCE. But be prepared for other 
"timed surprises" that liberal media probably has ready to keep trying to embarrass and shock republicans. Shouldnt you be ALL THE MORE SHOCKED AND REPULSED by the behavior of Bill Clinton while he  was president, and HILLARY helping him silence the women he abused??!! Put on your THINKING CAPS, not just EMOTION CAPS. GOD BLESS US ALL 

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...