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Friday, January 20, 2017

1/20/17 re pray4 New Life liberty 🗽 amWorld 50th birthday Zeitgeist

The Confluence of events all around January 20 ....Trump inauguration, The West coast Walk For Life [I just arrived in San Francisco yesterday ] , and my birthday, and so for me it's extra special because of my 50th birthday, but it's not about me.

I'm always looking for special significance and certain intersection of events like this & I'm praying that perhaps we will experience a new zeitgeist for life, meaning life in the womb ,unborn life, but also all life in general... a new Zeitgeist of true Liberty which we have experienced a decline in, under Obama, for the last 8 years . so now is the time for a new zeitgeist not just for America but for the world .

we are the leader of the world or are supposed to be. that's why I call it amWorld, not Amway , yes it is,in part, "the American way", but more fully it is really God's way. so it's God's world ..without God in the mix just America alone is merely secular optimism but has no significance beyond this life .

so we pray today for this new Zeitgeist... at midnight I woke literally January twenty I've never woke so early before.... usually I wake sometimes at two or three in the morning or sometimes sleep all night ...but suddenly today I awoke at midnight just as I turned 50 years old , and this thought came to my mind this new zeitgeist ....

the prayer for it: let us all pray for a transformational new zeitgeist...that we will protect unborn life to the maximum,& will bring New Liberty,true liberty, to All life in America and around the world... true Liberty that comes only through Christ Jesus Christ.

It is time for a new AmWorld Zeitgeist [not to be confused with "new world order" as used by sceptics to describe something possibly sinister ]

hear our prayer Lord:
Father Son and Holy Spirit!
Most people do not know me personally, nor my name, but u know my blogs, and it's better that way... it's not supposed to be about me ,but about God... If we keep GOD first, everything else falls into place.

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