Trump Sites 2024

Monday, February 27, 2017

re THE LETTER SIGNED BY RICH MEOW 🐱 "U.S. pastors’ push for refugees called ‘height of absurdity’"

"Alt-Oscars: Trump backers tuning out Academy Awards, because of Meryl Streep"

The SELF-PROCLAIMED [elite] EVANGELICAL LEADERS [Mouw, Keller, et al] DON'T SPEAK for the EVANGELICALS "Evangelicals can no longer speak as one voice "| Religion News Service

Evangelicals welcome all people, but with normal prudence & discernment... Even though we are Christians ,we want to protect people around us from people with bad intentions... ; Mouw & liberals don't make sense & make Trump seem like the bad guy without just cause

The fact that so many mainstream evangelical leaders opposed Trump's order, while 76 percent of their followers supported it, is further evidence of the way politics — particularly the Trump candidacy — divided American evangelicalism. (It might also suggest that few evangelicals in the pew are following the biblical..."

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

LIBERALS CRUCIFIED DINESH "Dinesh D’Souza takes on Trump Derangement Syndrome"

"I was very amused to see the tweet by Eric Holder waxing indignant about the idea of jailing your political opponents," said D'Souza at the time.
"Let's talk about my case for a second. No American in the country's history has been locked up for doing what I did," he said. "This is typically handled not even as a criminal matter but as a civil matter by the SEC. It was highly unusual for the government to prosecute in this way.". "

REAL OR FAKE NEWS? "Trump hiring 10,000 ICE officers in ‘big immigration launch’"

Probably real if WND reports it

"Trump hiring 10,000 ICE officers in ‘big immigration launch’"

Sunday, February 12, 2017

"Actually, 9th Circuit Judges, 72 Terrorists Have Come From Those 7 Banned Countries " | Daily Wire

The number of convicted terrorists from each country is: Somalia, 20; Yemen, 19; Iraq, 19; Syria, 7; Iran, 4; Libya, 2; Sudan, 1.
The data from..."

Wow! "How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency" | New York Post

"In what's shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn't just staying behind in Washington. He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular "America First" agenda.
He's doing it through a net..."

TRUMP SUPPORTS JAPAN "North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Test "- ABC News

Monday, February 6, 2017

Q:HOW MANY OF THE ANTI-TRUMP PEOPLE LIVE IN GATED COMMUNITIES w/ SECURITY? A: MOST "Academy President Rebukes Trump's Travel Ban at Oscar Nominees Luncheon: "Art Has No Borders" " Hollywood Reporter

This lady, the black academy president ,does for sure. It's the ordinary people who are most vulnerable to attacks & violence and probably appreciate protection more than the Elite people in their gated communities who never actually interact with the people they are so self-professed in love with and care about.

"Wounded warriors thrilled by trip to Super Bowl with Pence"

2/5/17 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) on Twitter

Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!
View details · Reply Retweet Like Donald
J. Donald J. Trump
Feb 4
The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!..."

Saturday, February 4, 2017

LA CITY JUST DOESN'T GET IT. THEY'RE NOT BIGGER THAN THE FEDS [ but they keep trying] "L.A. City Attorney Demands List of People Detained at LAX Under Trump’s Travel Order " KTLA

U think they would have learned from the county jail scandal even though the sheriff got off the first ttial... The assistant sheriff is in prison now... baca may get tried again for that matter

L.A LIBS just can't seem to realize they're not bigger , nor more important, then the feds , nor bigger than the United States of America ...they're just a city ,a municipality, they're not even the county of Los Angeles,but part of it. It must be the Hollywood Factor... these politicians who occasionally rub elbows with celebrities start to think they also are celebrities... ButHollywood also is an illusion and is not that important in terms of the big picture terms of the real world

PRUDENT FOR THEM, RACIST FOR US? "“Islamophobia”: Kuwait imposes visa ban on five Muslim-majority nations, including Pakistan"

U WONT HEAR ABOUT THIS FROM LIB MEDIA "Donald Trumps Works With Japan To Create 700,000 Jobs In The United States " Walid Shoebat

Thursday, February 2, 2017

WILL TRUMP PULL THE PLUG 🔌 ON CAL HATERS? "UC Berkeley Receives $370 Million in Federal Funding, More Than Half Its Budget" - Breitbart

I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT OF EPISCOPAL AS CLOSER TO CATHOLICISM "Neil Gorsuch belongs to a notably liberal church [episcopal]— and would be the first Protestant on the Court in years" - The Washington ...

So should we be concerned that a presumably conservative judge attends a liberal church? Not sure yet.

VERY TROUBLING IF TRUE "Healthcare Expert: GOP Senators’ Obamacare Replacement Plan Expands Taxpayer Funding of Abortions -" Breitbart

CALVIN PROFESSOR CHAMPIONS RETURN OF MASCULINITY [I think] "Donald Trump and Militant Evangelical Masculinity "| Religion & Politics

"Donald Trump Attacks Schwarzenegger at Prayer Breakfast"

"Trump cabinet: Rex Tillerson sworn in as top US diplomat" - BBC News

"Matthew McConaughey: Embrace fact Trump is president" | Daily Mail Online

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

DONALD SMART "Trump Already Declares for 2020: Most CLEVER Move in Politics"

"What does this mean? First, according to AZ Family, it means that 501c3 (non-profit) organizations cannot work or speak negatively about President, who would of course be "candidate" Trump. If they do, it is considered opposition to a candidate, and grounds for losing..."

"Conservatives ecstatic over Gorsuch nomination"

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...