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Trump Sites 2024

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

GOOD ARTICLE: "Know thy enemy: The difference between a liberal and a leftist"

"Liberals we contend with, but leftists we must defeat. Know thy enemy:

  • The liberal seeks to mold civilized society in ways we oppose. Mainly because they have a different definition of compassion, or have a different view of the role government should play in our lives. The leftist seeks to dismantle civilized society altogether.

  • The liberal believes in things we think are unconstitutional. The leftist pursues an agenda that is anti-constitutional. They're not simply perverting the general welfare clause, but attacking the very integrity of the Constitution itself.

  • The liberal will contend for your free speech, even if they think you're an unevolved troglodyte. The leftist believes you forfeit your free speech entirely if you dare disagree.

  • The liberal believes those who disagree with him or her simply need to be educated or exposed to diverse cultures and ideas. The leftist believes those who disagree are automatically racist/misogynist/homophobic bigots.

  • The liberal believes government is the primary tool to carry out his or her ideology. The leftist believes government is the primary weapon to punish those who oppose his or her ideology..."



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