Trump Sites 2024

Thursday, November 29, 2018

?! "In rebuke to President Donald Trump, Senate advances measure to force U.S. withdraw from Yemen"

"In a remarkable move, the Senate voted Wednesday to advance a proposal that would force the Trump administration to withdraw U.S. military support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen .."

WHAT'S THE BIG TAKEAWAY? 'Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress"

U go girl! "Melania coolly crushes her critics, delivers the perfect response to the festive-red Christmas trees " Conservative News Today

"I hope everybody will come over and visit it," she added to continued applause. "In real life, they look even more beautiful. You're all very welcome to visit the White House."
. "

CUTE COUPLE "Stormy Daniels: Avenatti Sued Trump Against My Wishes, Refused To Give Info On How Crowdfunding Money Was Being Spent " Dail...

Tweet from ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸLexa Merica๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ (@Lexa_Merica)

๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸLexa Merica๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ (@Lexa_Merica) tweeted at 5:50 AM on Thu, Nov 29, 2018:

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

SAUDIS REWARD USA w/ CHEAPER GAS 4 TRUMP to LOOK THE OTHER WAY "Trump Thanks Saudis for Plunging Oil Prices After Defying Calls to Punish Prince " RIGHT THING 2DO ?

if WE DONT TRY 2HELP, HER BLOOD IS ON OUR HANDS โ™ฅ๏ธโœ๏ธ๐Ÿ™ "Pakistani Christian mum Asia Bibi who was cleared of blasphemy is being 'hunted door to door' by Islamic extremists demandin..."


But before people can pray to the #Lord for help, they must believe in Him. And before they can believe in the Lord, they must hear about Him. And for anyone to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them. 15 And before anyone can go and tell them, they must be sent.

Yes! "Country Legend Charlie Daniels Suggests Creating 'Sanctuary Cities' for #Unborn Babies ...cities. Conservatives should create #proLife sanctuaries, and ignore liberal laws on abortion!"

Friday, November 23, 2018

'White House โ€˜authorises use of lethal forceโ€™ for troops along US-Mexico border " EXCEPT THE TROOPS R UNARMED

He said that he was waiting for a request from the department of Homeland Security before deciding how to use that new authority. He said troops could help protect the border agents with shields and batons, but would be unarmed.  "

THANK U RAND PAUL 4 STEPPING UP " Senator Demands U.S. Cut Off Aid to Pakistan Until Asia Bibi is Free '

Hmm? "Trump defends Saudis, says "maybe the world" should be held accountable for Khashoggi's murder "- CBS News

"Grassley: John Roberts sat silent through Obama's abuse " WND

''California Agency Took Nine Years to Create Fire Map''

"What [the CPUC] hasn't done a good job at is requiring the utilities to follow good safety practices," said Chico attorney Ken Roye, a resident of fire-ravaged Butte County who has litigated eight fire-related cases. "They're all in bed together. The [CPUC] hasn't done anything to alleviate the problem, and it's been going on for over 30 years.""

Thursday, November 22, 2018

"Presidential Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2018 | The White The more than 100 Pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the Mayflower, instilled in our Nation a strong faith in God that continues to be a beacon of hope to all ..."

"Presidential Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2018 | The White The more than 100 Pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the Mayflower, instilled in our Nation a strong faith in God that continues to be a beacon of hope to all ..."

Is AMERICA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ going to MAKE A STAND for the missionary kid, #JohnChau?

Is AMERICA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ going to MAKE A STAND for the missionary kid, #JohnChau, who was killed by savages on #SentinelIsland ? U can't MURDER a peaceful person just b/c their on your island!!! Arrest him if u wish. Don't kill him....John was AMERICAN & has the right & expectation of USA standing up for him...this is actually an act of war against doesn't matter if their ignorant Islanders..they need to be BROUGHT TO JUSTICE ..we ask Trump & co to show some backbone for this kid & his family...he died trying to peacefully share the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ โ™ฅ๏ธโœ๏ธ๐Ÿ™โœ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

"On Thanksgiving, I'm Thankful for Trump " | Frontpage Mag ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿฆƒ

Monday, November 12, 2018


HOW DOES HER MARRIAGE STAY TOGETHER? "Kellyanne Conway Brushes Off President Diss of Husband" SHE LOVES TRUMP (& works 4him) & HER HUSBAND hates him.

Yes! "President Trump Issues New Rule to Protect Americans From Funding Abortions Under Obamacare "


But from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, everyone had to die. Adam died because he sinned by not obeying God's command. But even those who did not sin that same way had to die.
That one man, Adam, can be compared to Christ, the one who was coming in the future. 15 But God's free gift is not like Adam's sin. Many people died because of the sin of that one man. But the grace that people received from God was much greater. Many received God's gift of life by the grace of this other man, Jesus Christ.

DID JERRY BROWN INADVERTENTLY ADMIT TRUMP WAS RIGHT "Gov. Brown Warns Of โ€˜Changed Worldโ€™ As Fires Ravage California "

Brown urged innovators to come to the fore with ideas on how to better manage environmental threats.  
"People have ideas. Great. Let's hear about them. We're going to have to invest more and more in things like adaptation," he said in part. "We've got lots of work to do."

"The Myth of Trump and the Womenโ€™s Vote " โ€“ American Greatness WOMEN NOT DEPARTING

Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Trump blames mental illness in California bar massacres " | News24

  MOTHER OF BORDERLINE VICTIM WANTS ACTION  "I don't want prayers. I don't want thoughts," said his mother, Susan Schmidt-Orfanos. "I want those bastards in Congress โ€” they need to pass gun control so no one else has a child that doesn't come home."

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

TRUMP FINALLY SAYS 'UR FIRED' " Jeff Sessions resigns, forced out by Trump; Matthew G. Whitaker interim Attorney General - live updates "

CBS News: Jeff Sessions resigns, forced out by Trump; Matthew G. Whitaker interim Attorney General - live updates.

"Alaska Republican Don Young Projected to Retain His House Seat"

THERE'S STILL HOPE IN FLORIDA " GOP's DeSantis defeats Gillum in Florida governor's race "- Breitbart

NAVY SEAL VICTORY ! "..Ret. Lt. Cmdr. & Republican candidate Dan Crenshaw defeated Democratic challenger Todd Litton on Tuesday to win Texasโ€™s 2nd Congressional District."

โ€œHeartbreaking:โ€ CNN Reluctantly Admits There Was No โ€œBlue Waveโ€ #ElectionResults2018

" @LifeNewsHQ 1h
"Heartbreaking:" CNN Reluctantly Admits There Was No "Blue Wave" #ElectionResults2018
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Saturday, November 3, 2018


16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: for Jew first, and then Greek.
17 For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith; as it is written, "The one who is righteous by faith will live."
Punishment of

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trumpโ€™s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...