Trust the Book !

Trump Sites 2024

Monday, April 22, 2019

WHAT'S REALLY SCARY IS THAT THE WITCH HUNT PEOPLE ACTUALLY EXPECTED TO GET AWAY w/ their CORRUPT ACTIVITIES...this is their standard M.O. & it only failed this time b/c of constant scrutiny..Trump came away barely 'alive'...making u wonder how many "smaller" lives have they crushed ? And they're not finished "Trump blasts Mueller's 'op-ed' on obstruction " WND

WHAT'S REALLY SCARY IS THAT THE WITCH HUNT PEOPLE ACTUALLY EXPECTED TO GET AWAY w/ their CORRUPT ACTIVITIES...this is their standard M.O. & it only failed this time b/c of constant scrutiny..Trump came away barely 'alive'...making u wonder how many "smaller" lives have they crushed ?    And they're not finished "Trump blasts Mueller's 'op-ed' on obstruction "

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...