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Trump Sites 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This WILL BE THE BIGGEST CIRCUS EVER ! Open session. "Report: Mueller to testify July 17 before House panels "

"Why Trump’s Cyber Attack On Iran Was The Right Move"

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of Trump’s presidency, but has yet to come close to Obama’s early.."

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of Trump's presidency, but has yet to come close to Obama's early deportation record, according to new internal Department of Homeland Security figures published Friday by Axios ..."

ALSO SEE "General Hospital actress gets caught LYING about Trump’s “inhumane” treatment of illegals with Obama photos! "

HOW WILL DEM LIBS TWIST THIS?! "ICE has deported more immigrants this fiscal year..., BUT HAS YET TO COME CLOSE TO #OBAMA's...RECORD.."...

HOW WILL DEM LIBS TWIST THIS TO MAKE TRUMP THE BAD GUY ?  "Immigration & Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of #Trump's presidency, BUT HAS YET TO COME CLOSE TO #OBAMA's...RECORD.."...#ICEraid

Saturday, June 22, 2019

POTUS MAKES A HUMANITARIAN DECISION & THE LIBS HATE HIM FOR THAT TOO "Trump says he was 'ready' to bomb Iran but called off the strike before the planes took off we are sitting with 150 people dead people that would have taken place, probably within a half hour, after I said go ahead. And I didn't like it. I didn't think it was proportionate,' he said."

 POTUS MAKES A HUMANITARIAN DECISION & THE LIBS HATE HIM FOR THAT TOO   "Trump says he was 'ready' to bomb Iran but called off the strike before the planes took off we are sitting with 150 people dead people that would have taken place, probably within a half hour, after I said go ahead. And I didn't like it. I didn't think it was proportionate,' he said."

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

THANK U SARAH 🇺🇸 "Sarah Sanders joins Trump for one last rally before signing off as White House press secretary "

TRUMP FAMILY FOR PRESIDENT 2020 ! "Don Jr, Eric, Lara, Tiffany and Ivanka all turn out to see Trump launch 2020 presidential bid "

GIVE IT UP SCHIFF. ITS OVER. YOU PLAYED US ALL FOR FOOLS. U LOST. GO HOME . NO COLLUSION. NO CONSPIRACY. NO CORRUPTION ( except by you & your cohorts] "Schiff Goes Into Overdrive - Threatens Mueller With Subpoena, "Time is Running Out" (VIDEO) "

GIVE IT UP SCHIFF. ITS OVER. YOU PLAYED US ALL FOR FOOLS. U LOST. GO HOME . NO COLLUSION. NO CONSPIRACY. NO CORRUPTION ( except by you & your cohorts]   "Schiff Goes Into Overdrive - Threatens Mueller With Subpoena, "Time is Running Out" (VIDEO) "

"'Git-R-Done': Trump opens 1.4 million federal acres to hunters, anglers "

Sunday, June 16, 2019

POLL FOR POTUS re WashPost v NY Times

#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! 👶👣👼🌹🥀🎵🎶✝️⛪🙏♥️😎🇺🇸 (@PRAISETRIUNEGOD) tweeted at 7:05 PM on Sun, Jun 16, 2019:

#POTUS WANTS A POLL. SO LETS GET IT GOING. PLEASE VOTE re #TRUMP TWEET: "A #poll should be done on which is the more dishonest and deceitful newspaper, the Failing #NewYorkTimes or the Amazon (lobbyist) #WashingtonPost! They are both a disgrace to our Country, the Enemy...."

Thursday, June 6, 2019

" Trump warns Mexico to 'step up to the plate' or tariffs are coming and threatens to increase China's too "

Trump warns Mexico to 'step up to the plate' or tariffs are coming and threatens to increase China's too as he jets off to Normandy for D-Day

President Donald Trump warned Mexico on Thursday that they need to 'step up to the plate' or tariffs were coming and threatened to raise them on China too.

Most Read Articles:

'B***h get out of the car': Female driver, 61, involved in a crash with Tracy Morgan and his new $2M Bugatti Veyron says she's traumatized after the comedian started yelling and beating his fist against her window

Pedophile, 29, who raped a girl nearly 100 times from birth to when she was six - and even livestreamed it - is sentenced to 120 years in jail

'I hope you come to this country again soon': What the Queen told Donald Trump at the end of his state visit as he bid fond farewell to Britain following moving ceremony to salute the heroes of D-Day

Monday, June 3, 2019

"James Comey’s Daughter Maurene On NY Posse To Take Trump Down...Like her father who served as a US attorney for SDNY from Jan. 7, 2002 to Dec. 15, 2003, Maurene Comey has been an assistant US attorney in the SDNY office since 2015."

"James Comey's Daughter Maurene On NY Posse To Take Trump Down...Like her father who served as a US attorney for SDNY from Jan. 7, 2002 to Dec. 15, 2003, Maurene Comey has been an assistant US attorney in the SDNY office since 2015."

FIRE KATHRYN KAUFMAN "Why the Trump admin's Kathryn Kaufman is wrong about abortion as 'empowerment'

"Kathryn Kaufman, the managing director for global women's issues at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, has just written an op-ed for the Washington Post breaking with the administration by showing her support for unfettered abortion. According to the Daily Wire , administration officials are seeing Kaufman's op-ed as an "embarrassment" that undermines the pro-life work they are doing every day..."

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...