Trump Sites 2024

Friday, August 30, 2019

TRUMP CARES "Trump administration exempts Bibles from Chinese tariffs | News | LifeSite

"Bibles and religious literature are among the items now exempt,
Christianity Today reports , following concerns that the move would amount to a "Bible tax." More than 75 percent of Bibles are printed in China, according to the Southern Baptist Convention's (SPC's) Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), because of the nation's experience printing so much text on such thin paper..."

Saturday, August 17, 2019

SINCE TRUMP BECAME POTUS RACIST SENTIMENTS HAVE ACTUALLY DECREASED ! "After Mass Shootings, Trump Blamed for 'Increasing Racism' — But Is White Racism Really Increasing?...“On average, anti-black prejudice dropped sharply among whites, from … just before the 2016 election to … two years later,” the paper read. “That marked the lowest level of anti-black prejudice since we first conducted this study in late 2008. Prejudice against Hispanics also dropped. … In both instances, declines were larger among Democrats, but they appeared among Republicans, too.”

SAY NO TO RED FLAG SCAM "Arnold Ahlert: 'Red Flag' Laws Are a Scam. "...the long-term agenda of an American Left well versed in employing incrementalist tactics to get its way. “How long will it take before states, or the federal government, if a red flag law becomes nationalized, start to view any and all Trump supporters as ‘posing a danger’ based on their skin color, gender, religion, and opposition to open borders?” he asks. "

 SAY NO TO RED FLAG SCAM   "Arnold Ahlert: 'Red Flag' Laws Are a Scam. "...the long-term agenda of an American Left well versed in employing incrementalist tactics to get its way. "How long will it take before states, or the federal government, if a red flag law becomes nationalized, start to view any and all Trump supporters as 'posing a danger' based on their skin color, gender, religion, and opposition to open borders?" he asks. "

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

FOR ALL Y'ALL POINTING FINGERS AT 'ANGRY WHITE BOYS' , TAKE THE LOG OUT OF YOUR EYE . THIS SPEAKS 4 ITSELF. "Typical mass shooter a white male? Think again ...there’s a thread, it’s young men whose biological father was missing in their lives. After the Parkland school massacre in Florida, the Heritage Foundation cited a study showing that among the 25 most-cited school shooters since Columbine, 75 percent were reared in broken homes."

FOR ALL Y'ALL POINTING FINGERS AT 'ANGRY WHITE BOYS' , TAKE THE LOG OUT OF YOUR EYE . THIS SPEAKS 4 ITSELF.    "Typical mass shooter a white male? Think again ...there's a thread, it's young men whose biological father was missing in their lives. After the Parkland school massacre in Florida, the Heritage Foundation cited a study showing that among the 25 most-cited school shooters since Columbine, 75 percent were reared in broken homes."

Sunday, August 4, 2019

AFTER KAMALA DISASTROUS DEBATE, CALIFORNIA MAKES IT MORE DIFFICULT TO REVIEW HER ARREST HISTORY "California removes arrest reports from Kamala years ...Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR’s website. A search using’s Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019—the most recent indexed date—ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed..."

AFTER KAMALA DISASTROUS DEBATE, CALIFORNIA MAKES IT MORE DIFFICULT TO REVIEW HER ARREST HISTORY    "California removes arrest reports from Kamala years ...Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR's website. A search using's Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019—the most recent indexed date—ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed..."

Friday, August 2, 2019

HAPPY DAYS ☺ "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July "

"Donald Trump is set to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of a peace deal with the Taliban "

TRYING TO ACT RESPECTFUL "Trump plays down third North Korean missile test in eight days as allies' concerns grow "

RIGHTLY SO-" POTUS Trump Takes Back Medals From Military Lawyers Who Falsely Prosecuted Navy SEAL ...“The Prosecutors who lost the case against SEAL Eddie Gallagher (who I released from solitary confinement so he could fight his case properly), were ridiculously given a Navy Achievement Medal,” Trump wrote on Twitter."

RIGHTLY SO-" POTUS Trump Takes Back Medals From Military Lawyers Who Falsely Prosecuted Navy SEAL ..."The Prosecutors who lost the case against SEAL Eddie Gallagher (who I released from solitary confinement so he could fight his case properly), were ridiculously given a Navy Achievement Medal," Trump wrote on Twitter."

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...