Trump Sites 2024

Sunday, November 24, 2019

"Historian Calls Trump One Of America's Greatest Presidents In New Book"

"New Wisconsin Poll: Trump Leads All Democrats, Independents Strongly Back Trump | "

Woe "Chief Justice Roberts now dragged into Democrat impeachment process - The chief justice has just become a fact witness in the impeachment process because of Fiona Hill's testimony. It is Chairman Schiff's hearing, and his witness, and he is responsible for building the evidence to impeach President Trump. .."

"Chief Justice Roberts now dragged into Democrat impeachment process - The chief justice has just become a fact witness in the impeachment process because of Fiona Hill's testimony.  It is Chairman Schiff's hearing, and his witness, and he is responsible for building the evidence to impeach President Trump. .."

"BREAKING: Devin Nunes To Take Swift Legal Action Against CNN For ‘Demonstrably False’ Story | ..Nunes also plans to sue The Daily Beast for a story that it published earlier in the week that alleged that Parnas helped Nunes set up numerous meetings regarding Ukraine."

"BREAKING: Devin Nunes To Take Swift Legal Action Against CNN For 'Demonstrably False' Story | ..Nunes also plans to sue The Daily Beast for a story that it published earlier in the week that alleged that Parnas helped Nunes set up numerous meetings regarding Ukraine."

"Eagle-eyed Nunes finds loophole clause that allows GOP to call witnesses "

Saturday, November 16, 2019

"Trump pardons Green Beret who 'murdered' Taliban bombmaker and Army officer who ordered killing of Afghan civilians "

Trump pardons Green Beret who 'murdered' Taliban bombmaker and Army officer who ordered killing of Afghan civilians

If U DIG DEEP ENOUGH, SOROS is the DRIVING FORCE for ALL the LIBERAL WITCH HUNTS "The Influence of George Soros on Impeachment "

TRUMP'S "Second Phone Call Even More Innocent Than the First | "

PUBLIC IS TUNING OUT DEM LIBS NON-STOP IMPEACHMENT. B.S. "Democrats' problem breaking through on data about Wednesday's hearing shows the difficulty in capturing the attention of a nation that's developed a higher tolerance for permanent political drama under the current president..."

PUBLIC IS TUNING OUT DEM LIBS NON-STOP IMPEACHMENT. B.S. "Democrats' problem breaking through on data about Wednesday's hearing shows the difficulty in capturing the attention of a nation that's developed a higher tolerance for permanent political drama under the current president..."

"Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz Advise Think Tank Led By Jeffrey Epstein’s Brother "

 SCHIFF IS ALSO ON A THINK-TANK w/ BROTHER OF JEFF EPSTEIN   "Democratic representatives Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Maxine Waters are just three elected officials who sit on the congressional advisory board of a foreign policy think-tank led by Jeffrey Epstein's brother, Mark Epstein."

Franklin GRAHAM SMACKS DOWN BILL MOYERS "Evangelist to liberal journalist: Stop with the 'progressive' lies"

"It Sure Looks Like Marie Yovanovitch Committed Perjury In Her Testimony"

"Now, I'm sure she'll and her defenders will say she simply forgot or got confused, but that certainly hasn't been a valid excuse for any number of Trump officials charged for lying. In fact, Roger Stone was just convicted today for lying to Congress, among other things.
My guess is she can rest easy though. The statutes dealing with lying to government bodies don't seem to apply to Democrats."

"Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak"

"What if the Trump prophecies are true? "

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"Adam Schiff's Partisan Impeachment Will Follow Calvinball Rules"

"Calvin & Hobbes creator Bill Watterson gave his title characters the best-ever children's game to play: Calvinball. The rules of Calvinball are simple, in that there aren't any. Players can make up or abandon rules on the spot, with or without informing the other players. The only hard-and-fast Calvinball rule is that no rule may be used more than once.
Congressman Adam Schiff (D, Calif.) is apparently something of a Calvinball aficionado.."

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Its. a FELONY TO POP A BALLOON ? "More than $40,000 donated to GoFundMe for Alabama man charged with felony for stabbing ‘Baby Trump’ balloon | "

👍"Trump Supporters Raise Thousands To Pay Legal Fees Of Man Who Popped 'Baby Trump' Balloon | "

"Chase Bank CEO’s “60 Minutes” Interview Should Have Democrats Panicking About 2020...“The economy is just so damn strong right now and by all historic precedent the incumbent should run away with it,” said Donald Luskin, chief investment officer of the research firm, TrendMacrolytics."

"Chase Bank CEO's "60 Minutes" Interview Should Have Democrats Panicking About 2020..."The economy is just so damn strong right now and by all historic precedent the incumbent should run away with it," said Donald Luskin, chief investment officer of the research firm, TrendMacrolytics."

"Chase Bank CEO – "This Is The Most Prosperous Economy The World Has Ever Seen" - The Lid

2 MAJOR TRUMP HATERS AFFILIATED "Adam Schiff's ties to George Soros revealed ⋆ "

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

LIB MEDIA CRIES OUT 'CRUCIFY HIM,CRUCIFY HIM'! "Lindsey Graham blasts media regarding Trump impeachment: ‘Y’all hate this guy…this whole process is a joke’ "

"Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Worked Closely with Anti-Trump Dossier Hoaxer "

It SEEMS LIKE ITS AN 'OPEN SECRET' First name Eric ? "Rand Paul threatens to name whistleblower: 'There's no law that stops me' - "{"sender":"offer-0-z00bZ","displayMode":"inline","recipient":"opener","event":"resize","params":{"height":200,"iframeId":"offer-0-z00bZ"}}

✝ ❤ 🙏 "Mexican cartel massacres US women, children: 9 killed, 8 injured in Mexican ambush; Trump responds"

Saturday, November 2, 2019

"Ruddy: Trump Impeached for His Success "

STOP THE BULL SCHIFF 💩 "The Impeachment Schiff Show " American Greatness

"Mark Levin on Whistleblower: We Have Found The Rat's Nest, It's In The National Security Council " Video

WaPo FLAILING at the WIND "The Washington Post's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week"

"Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher's Family Is Asking Trump for a Presidential Pardon ...Gallagher was originally sentenced on July 3 to be reduced to the rank of E-6, to forfeit $2,697.00 for four months, and was ordered confined for four months for unlawfully posing with a corpse Iraq during a 2017 deployment."

"Gallagher was originally sentenced on July 3 to be reduced to the rank of E-6, to forfeit $2,697.00 for four months, and was ordered confined for four months for unlawfully posing with a corpse Iraq during a 2017 deployment."

"President Trump Proclaims November National Veterans and Military Families Month "

"Televangelist Paula White joins White House staff as critics protest "

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...