Trump Sites 2024
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Wow! "US doctors claim that Trump's controversial hydroxychloroquine drug DOES help 91% of coronavirus patients and argue we should not wait for 'controlled trials "
Wow! "US doctors claim that Trump's controversial hydroxychloroquine drug DOES help 91% of coronavirus patients and argue we should not wait for 'controlled trials "
Monday, April 27, 2020
TRUMP WAS RIGHT, AGAIN "Pharmaceutical firm Aytu BioScience testing UV light treatment - is testing a UV-A “Healight” ..
Sunday, April 26, 2020
SICKENING "Press does the 'gotcha' dance over 'Trump-touted' NIH hydroxychloroquine non-recommendation, but flunk basic reporting.....
Friday, April 24, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
1)To the GREATER Vicksburg MS area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus. ..
1)To the GREATER Vicksburg MS area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus. I will be prayerfully traveling the USA 🇺🇸 until we #KillTheVirus 🔪
#repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
#AmeriPrayer2020 Also See
Monday, April 20, 2020
"White House adviser Peter Navarro accuses China of 'profiteering' by 'hoarding' PPE after 'hiding the virus from the rest of the world'"
Sunday, April 19, 2020
"They go after churches but they don't tend to go after mosques': Trump accuses Democrats of anti-Christian bias and wonders if states will enforce social distancing on Muslims during Ramadan"
"'They go after churches but they don't tend to go after mosques': Trump accuses Democrats of anti-Christian bias and wonders if states will enforce social distancing on Muslims during Ramadan"
Saturday, April 18, 2020
4)To the GREATER Knoxville Smoky Mt TN area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus .
4)To the GREATER Knoxville Smoky Mt TN area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus . I will be prayerfully traveling the USA 🇺🇸 until we #KillTheVirus 🔪 !
#repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
#AmeriPrayer2020 also see
Friday, April 17, 2020
"Can We Talk About American Media's Connections to Chinese Interests?..Every single major broadcast and cable news outlet covering the COVID-19 .."
Thursday, April 16, 2020
"Trump Was Right, Cuomo Was Wrong About Ventilator little media coverage is devoted to the fact that President Trump wasn’t ..
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
THANK GOD FOR WILLIAM BARR 👍 "DOJ intervenes after Miss. church members ticketed $500 each for attending drive-in service - ..
"BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump freezes ALL U.S. funding for World Health Organization ..
"BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump freezes ALL U.S. funding for World Health Organization accusing it of 'accelerating the pandemic' by opposing his partial ban on travel from China and 'putting political correctness above lifesaving' "
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
brilliant! POTUS SILENCES DUMBSTRUCK LIBERAL MEDIA by PLAYING THEM CLIPS of their OWN WORDS originally DOWNPLAYING #COVID19 "Donald Trump counters media coronavirus critics with clip reel - "
3) To the GREATER WashDC area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus . I
3) To the GREATER WashDC area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus . I will be prayerfully traveling the USA 🇺🇸 until we #KillTheVirus 🔪 !
#repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
Also see
Monday, April 13, 2020
"We are NOT firing Dr. Fauci and he is a 'trusted adviser to the president' says the White House after Donald Trump retweeted #FireFauci "
"We are NOT firing Dr. Fauci and he is a 'trusted adviser to the president' says the White House after Donald Trump retweeted #FireFauci "
"Trump retweets post about firing Dr. Anthony Fauci..“Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he ..
"How a Campus Kangaroo Court Drove One Student to Suicide | ... as Taylor points out, the OCR mandates can be repealed with the stroke of a pen. Donald Trump should give serious consideration to doing just that.."
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Updated 4/12/20 Live: Greetings from the WhiteHouse on #Easter Sunday ...
Saturday, April 11, 2020
"WATCH: GOP Gov: I Will Not Shut Down My State, Following ‘Herd Mentality’ Not ‘Leadership’ ...Our constitution ensures that the citizen’s right is protected,” Noem told reporters .,.."
Or read: GOP Gov: "I Will Not Shut Down My State, Following 'Herd Mentality' Not 'Leadership' ...Our constitution ensures that the citizen's right is protected," Noem told reporters Wednesday. "I agree with the role of our government as set forth in our state and in our national constitution. I took an oath to uphold these constitutions."...My role with respect to public safety is something I take very seriously," the Republican continued. "The people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety. They are the ones that are entrusted with expansive freedoms – they are free to exercise their rights to work, worship, and play – or to stay at home, or to conduct social distancing."
"The calls to apply a one-size-fits all approach to this problem in South Dakota is herd mentality, not leadership," Noem stated..."
THIS SOUNDS VERY MUCH LIKE A THREAT, lending credence to suspicion the virus was intentionally released "WHO chief warns ...
Friday, April 10, 2020
Greetings All: i am beginning a period of "prayer & fasting" on the night of Jesus' crucifixion at 7pm ...
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
"LA doctor seeing success with hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 - Dr. Anthony Cardillo said he has seen very promising results when prescribing hydroxychloroquine .."
Monday, April 6, 2020
Saturday, April 4, 2020
5) To the GREATER Savannah GA & Jacksonville FL areas. I am a "prayer warrior" & passed thru today & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus .
5) To the GREATER Savannah GA & Jacksonville FL areas. I am a "prayer warrior" & passed thru today & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus . . i will be traveling the USA 🇺🇸 in prayer until the virus is KILLED. #repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
Friday, April 3, 2020
"Doctors around the world say hydroxychloroquine, which was touted by Trump, is the best treatment they've used on coronavirus patients in survey of 6,200 medics "
"Doctors around the world say hydroxychloroquine, which was touted by Trump, is the best treatment they've used on coronavirus patients in survey of 6,200 medics "
"EVERYBODY who comes into contact with Donald Trump or Mike Pence will be given 15-minute test for coronavirus to prevent 'inadvertent transmission' of disease " By Emily Goodin, Senior U.s. Political Reporter
"EVERYBODY who comes into contact with Donald Trump or Mike Pence will be given 15-minute test for coronavirus to prevent 'inadvertent transmission' of disease "
By Emily Goodin, Senior U.s. Political Reporter
Thursday, April 2, 2020
"WATCH: CNN tries to get Calif Gov to admit he’s only praising Trump out of fear, but gets the exact OPPOSITE –Newsom continued: “And the fact is every time I’ve called the president, he’s quickly gotten on the line. […] Those are the facts."
"Britain Drops Its Herd Immunity Approach to Coronavirus and Follows Trump's Lead...Within hours of the report, U.K. Prime .."
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
"End the Shutdown | Government cannot decide what aspects of our lives are essential or nonessential. The American people cannot simply sit ...
Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning" "On Wednesday it was reported t...
- The amazing story of Trump's Holy Bible 📖 ✝️ Listen 👂 🎧 👇👇 https://web.sermo...
- for what it's worth, Putin respects Trump Vlad Put...
1 of Trump co-defendants is a Lutheran pastor ⁉️: more & more LAUGHABLE " We enter a plea of NOT GUILTY, b/c frankly, there'...