Trump Sites 2024

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

TUCKER WALKS IT BACK "The System Was Rigged Against One Candidate" - Tucker Carlson Backtracks on Voting Machines After Slamming Sidney Powell "

"Breaking: President Trump Scores Two Big Wins - One in Michigan and One in Pennsylvania..."

"Breaking: President Trump Scores Two Big Wins - One in Michigan and One in Pennsylvania...President Trump's campaign said it scored two victories Monday in its effort to contest results in several key battleground states, as Michigan state legislators agreed to hold a hearing into election irregularities while a federal appeals court expedited proceedings to consider Trump's legal challenge in Pennsylvania." 

Monday, November 23, 2020

"Bernstein rats out 21 Republicans who hold disdain for the President....“The 21 GOP Senators who have

"Bernstein rats out 21 Republicans who hold disdain for the President...."The 21 GOP Senators who have privately expressed their disdain for Trump," he said, are: Ohio's Rob Portman, Tennessee's Lamar Alexander, Nebraska's Ben Sasse, Missouri's Roy Blunt, Maine's Susan Collins, Alaska's Lisa Murkowski, Texas's John Cornyn, South Dakota's John Thune, Utah's Mitt Romney, Indiana's Mike Braun, Indiana's Todd Young, South Carolina's Tim Scott, Florida's Rick Scott, Florida's Marco Rubio, Iowa's Chuck Grassley, North Carolina's Richard Burr, Pennsylvania's Pat Toomey, Arizona's Martha McSally, Kansas's Jerry Moran, Kansas's Pat Roberts, and Alabama's Richard Shelby." 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

👍 "Conservative SCOTUS Justices Assigned to 4 of 6 Contested Election States...Conservative ...

👍  "Conservative SCOTUS Justices Assigned to 4 of 6 Contested Election States...Conservative justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett will handle emergency appeals from the election battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin respectively." 

NOW DON JR HAS THE BUG "Donald Trump Jr. Tests Positive for Coronavirus "{"sender":"offer-0-CW783","displayMode":"inline","recipient":"opener","event":"loaded","params":{"height":809,"iframeId":"offer-0-CW783"}} 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"Lindsey Graham: “Potentially 25,000 Nursing Home Residents in Different Nursing Homes Requested Mail-in Ballots at the Exact Same Time” (VIDEO)"

  "Lindsey Graham: "Potentially 25,000 Nursing Home Residents in Different Nursing Homes Requested Mail-in Ballots at the Exact Same Time" (VIDEO)" 

U DON'T SAY "More “Glitches” in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY — Almost As If It Was Coordinated"

U DON'T SAY  "More "Glitches" in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY — Almost As If It Was Coordinated" 

"Sworn Affidavits From Nevada & Michigan Detail Voter Fraud ...Hold the phone, Joey boy. It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings’ and she isn’t even warming up."

  "Sworn Affidavits From Nevada & Michigan Detail Voter Fraud ...Hold the phone, Joey boy. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings' and she isn't even warming up." 

"Nov 10: The Biden bubble stops expanding as a river of affidavits flows ....The case for voter fraud grows stronger every day "

"South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Corrects George Stephanopoulos About The US Being A Republic: Let The Legal Process Play Out.....

"South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Corrects George Stephanopoulos About The US Being A Republic: Let The Legal Process Play Out...While Stephanopoulos attempts to claim that there's absolutely no evidence of voter fraud, that is so far from the truth as to simply call him not just dishonest, but an outright liar." 

"Statistician Says Numbers Are “Really Scary” For Biden, Claims That’s Why Media’s Rushing to Get “Everyone Onboard With [false] Narrative "

"Captured in Real Time: Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM When 169,000 Votes Disappear Off the State Totals - ..

 "Captured in Real Time: Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM When 169,000 Votes Disappear Off the State Totals - Software glitch going on here in Virginia.
4.42am – "We've counted 3,368,181 votes!"
5.12am – "Wait, no, we've only counted 3,199,165 votes"
— Sarah Eaglesfield (@zenxv)
November 9, 2020 " 

Friday, November 6, 2020

"True Electoral Count Shows Trump Winning...Why should the American People need to do complicated ..

  "True Electoral Count Shows Trump Winning...Why should the American People need to do complicated math simply to know that the currently projected elector count is Trump 268 to Biden 253? The American People deserve honest reporting from the press whose freedom our First Amendment protects." 

"‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Prays For 4 More Years Of Donald Trump | "{"sender":"offer-1-i7els","displayMode":"inline","recipient":"opener","event":"resize","params":{"height":399,"iframeId":"offer-1-i7els"}} 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Victory ⚡ " President #Trump is projected to win the red states of #Idaho and #Mississippi, ..

Victory ⚡ " President #Trump is projected to win the red states of #Idaho and #Mississippi, according to the Associated Press"

THANK U 👉TEXAS 👈 "Trump victorious in duel for Texas to bolster reelection chances "

THANK U 👉TEXAS 👈 "Trump victorious in duel for Texas to bolster reelection chances "

Awesome Iowa "Trump comes out on top in Iowa, earning Midwest swing-state win "

"Trump comes out on top in Montana, netting another three electoral votes "

"Trump comes out on top in Montana, netting another three electoral votes "

👍⚡ wayToGo Kentucky "President Trump has been projected as the winner of Kentucky .."

👍⚡  wayToGo Kentucky "President Trump has been projected as the winner of Kentucky with its eight electoral votes, according to the Associated Press"

"2020 Election: President Trump projected to win #Tennessee .."

"2020 Election: President Trump projected to win #Tennessee .."

👍 🇺🇸⚡ #Election2020 " Donald Trump WINS Kansas, Louisiana, Wyoming and Dakotas "

TRUMP WINS FLORIDA 👍 "BOOM! Breaking: Decision Desk Calls FLORIDA FOR TRUMP! -- Hispanic Vote Goes for Trump in Sunshine State"

"WATCH LIVE ON RSBN: President Trump's Final Election Eve MAGA Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan - Trump Takes the Stage at Midnight "

"In 2016, Trump held his final election eve rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan and said that he's a "little superstitious" so he decided to hold his final 2020 election eve rally in the same spot " 

Good odds 🎲 "Mystery Brit gambles $5M on Trump win in record-setting bet "

Monday, November 2, 2020

"Campaign Predicts Shenanigans After Trump Election Day Win...“Democrat are really panicking because Joe Biden hasn’t run up a large enough lead” ..

  "Campaign Predicts Shenanigans After Trump Election Day Win..."Democrat are really panicking because Joe Biden hasn't run up a large enough lead" in absentee ballots and mail-in ballots in order to counter the expected Trump turnout on Election Day, Deputy Campaign Manager Justin Clark said. "They know that Trump's margin on Election Day will make up the difference for victory." 

"Des Moines Register: Trump SURGES in latest Iowa polls, while Biden lags behind - " Sara A. Carter :

JOIN THE RED WAVE "EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Jack Hibbs: ‘We’ve Never Seen So Many People Register To Vote and Change Their Affiliation’ | "

JOIN THE RED WAVE  "EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Jack Hibbs: 'We've Never Seen So Many People Register To Vote and Change Their Affiliation' | " 

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...