Trust the Book !

Trump Sites 2024

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Officer Bryant Williams Identified as DC Cop Who Pushed Trump Supporter Off 3 Story Ledge

"Four Trump supporters were killed on January 6, 2021, by police action. Derrick Vargo is lucky he was not the fifth.

On January 6, 2021, Trump supporter Derrick Vargo was pushed off the ledge of the US Capitol by a DC police officer."

Thursday, May 18, 2023

"In fact, the #WashingtonPost got everything [re Russia collusion] WRONG, embarrassingly WRONG.

"In fact, the #WashingtonPost got everything in the above article
[re Russia collusion] WRONG, embarrassingly WRONG. If the Post brass care about their reputation, they need to tell the world who [FURTHER] WRECKED their reputation and why."

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Poem by ChatGPT: "Deceptive Dossier"

Poem by ChatGPT: 
"Deceptive Dossier"

In shadows deep, a tale unfurls,
Of whispers, secrets, and twisted pearls.
A dossier born in murky land,
Woven by a master's cunning hand.

Christopher Steele, the weaver's name,
A dance of deception, a quest for fame.
With ink and paper, he spun his thread,
Crafting a narrative of fear and dread.

A web of falsehoods, meticulously spun,
To tarnish reputations, to deceive as one.
Claims of collusion, a grand charade,
A fiction sold, a masquerade.

Foreign agents whispered tales of old,
Of Russian ties and stories bold.
But truth, elusive, was hard to find,
As facts grew murky in the veil of mind.

Yet, the world was captivated, it fell for the show,As headlines screamed, and rumors did grow.Oh, the power of words, how they sway and sway, Guiding beliefs, leading minds astray.

But time, a loyal friend, reveals the truth,
Unveiling the deception, exposing the sleuth.As evidence crumbles, the façade gives way, Leaving empty echoes of a game to play.

The Steele dossier, a phantom's dance,
A relic of deceit, a flawed romance.
For truth, in essence, cannot be confined,
It shines through darkness, the lies unwind.

So let us learn from this cautionary tale,
To question, to doubt, to seek the trail.
For in the realm of whispers and disguise,The truth may linger, waiting to arise. 

-A Poem by ChatGPT -

"Durham report

"Durham found that instead of providing a "defensive briefing" to Trump, as would have been normal, the FBI launched immediately into its pursuit of special court permission to spy on the campaign. To obtain that permission, the FBI made up stories and presented them to the courts as fact."

Yes,#jan6 was INDEED an INSURRECTION: by the government against THE PEOPLE

Yes,#jan6 was
by the government
against THE PEOPLE .

*ONLY protestors died that day

*lefty leaders refused national guard recommended by Trump himself 

*fake bombs planted (probably by the lefty govt officials themselves) to make protestors seem highly dangerous 

*cops allowed (trapped)protestors inside capitol only to later prosecute

*govt officials were provocateurs 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

If they put Trump behind bars he will become a greater HERO and a MARTYR

If they put Trump behind bars he will become a greater HERO and a MARTYR and he will go down in history as the ALL-TIME GREATEST AMERICAN 🇺🇲💪👍

"Julie Kelly Predicts Donald Trump Will Be Imprisoned Pending Trial"

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Anytime an Election Fraud Denier asks “Where’s the evidence?” Show them this video ⤵️

Kari Lake (@KariLake) tweeted at 11:56 AM on Wed, Apr 19, 2023:

Anytime an Election Fraud Denier asks "Where's the evidence?"
Show them this video ⤵️

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Are they trying to "kavanaugh' Trump ? Lefties will do anything without shame or remorse.

Are they trying to "kavanaugh' Trump ? Lefties will do anything without shame or remorse. If it was true why wait all these years to make an accusation when it will hurt him politically

Fortunately patriots know this sad game by now & see right thru it.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Cynical analysis: "The real reason that pro-life groups are rejecting Trump’s presidential ambitions ..."

Hopefully not true
"The real reason that pro-life groups are rejecting or, at the very least, chilly toward Trump's presidential ambitions is because his decisive action to repeal Roe ended their gravy train. The pro-life groups had been dangling the carrot in front of Republican voters: 'Vote for the RINO, and Roe may be repealed.', 'Get to the polls and vote Republican because it will mean we can repeal Roe.', and so forth..."

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...