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Trump Sites 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

"Ex-Trump Lawyer: Trump Should Be Worried About Juror With ‘Ulterior Motive’ Getting On Jury | "

I remember a lady named Pamela Fitzpatrick who lied about being impartial despite being a friend with the city attorney. And Steve Boysaw allowed her to stay on the jury. She became foreperson and the inevitable happened. While most people try to make an excuse to get off jury, but there's always a few creeps who want to be on the jury and become activists with an agenda rather than impartial jurors like  umpires . All the more so will there be creeps who LIE to get on the Trump jury. 
"Ex-Trump Lawyer: Trump Should Be Worried About Juror With 'Ulterior Motive' Getting On Jury | " 

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trump’s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...