Trump Sites 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

"Gallup Poll Reveals More Americans Identify with Republican Party than the Democrat Party For the First Time in Recorded History | " 

"Gallup Poll Reveals More Americans Identify with Republican Party than the Democrat Party For the First Time in Recorded History | "

๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก"Biden's Gestapo DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls" | The

Kamala trying to bait Trump with banner Over Georgia -Alabama game-. JUST SAY NO , NEVER AGAIN ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ‘Ž 

Why does Kamala so DESPERATELY want a 2nd debate that she's trying to to bait Trump into saying yes to the TRAP.
Hopefully Trump will
 NOT take the bait ๐ŸŽฃ 
U can't win against the fixed lefty debates no matter how smart & strong you may be.

"Gov't reveals over 425,000 CONVICTED CRIMINAL illegal aliens purposely released into U.S. under Biden-Harris " 

Trump's border rant is based on FACTS not just FEARS

"Gov't reveals over 425,000 CONVICTED CRIMINAL illegal aliens purposely released into U.S. under Biden-Harris

The numbers are intimidating: There are 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions and 13,099 convicted of homicide, the report said.

Another 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,611 have sexual assault convictions.

The "pending" charges list another 52,000 names.

"As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE's national docketโ€”13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!" Gonzales charged."

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Has Secret service questioned her? If not, why not ? " Gina Raimondo accused of 'violent rhetoric' against Trump i MSNBC interview " 

If Secret Service would take every comment literally like they should they need to be literally going to these people's offices and questioning their intent ? 

That would also put a quick kibosh on these flippant aggressive comments by so many of these lefties if they knew they're going to get a knock on the door from the FBI. 

Has Secret service questioned her? If not, why not ? " Gina Raimondo accused of 'violent rhetoric' against Trump i MSNBC interview "

"When NYC Mayor Eric Adams Said This, Trump Knew He'd Get Indicted" 

"I watched about a year ago when he talked about how the illegal migrants are hurting our city," said the former president. "And I said, 'You know what, he'll be indicted within a year.' And I was exactly right," added Trump. 

"Why Did George Soros Buy 200 U.S. Radio Station Right Before the Election?" 

Why Did George Soros Buy 200 U.S. Radio Station Right Before the Election?
Sarah Arnold
Sarah Arnold
September 26, 2024 8:45 PM

Billionaire George Soros is known for writing massive checks to Democrat candidates and funding a network of leftist dark money organizations under the disguise of his "Open Society Foundations." Adding to his resume, he now owns hundreds of U.S. radio stations.

The Federal Communications Commission approved a decision to allow Soros to purchase 200 Audacy radio stations across 40 U.S. markets just weeks before the 2024 electionโ€” a move that has never been done before. This means the Democrat megadonor will be able to reach more than 165 million Americans as they begin to cast their votes. .."

b/c he can't BS Trump "Zelensky Visibly Agitated As Trump Dominates Meeting, Citing 'Very Good Relationship' With Putin "|

U don't say "YIKES. Stephanie Ruhle on her softball interview with Kamala: "she doesn't answer the question." " / X

"Investigative Reporter Lara Logan Warns of Imminent Threat China Poses on US Homeland via Their Newly Acquired Farmland Near US Military Bases | " 

According to Lara Logan, "Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US for this purpose. And there are three kill teams already inside the country. Trump has been informed, so have the US intel agencies & other authorities. Money has been transferred to a cartel to push this over the border. "

Saturday, September 28, 2024

"WAYNE ROOT: is Trump Campaign Prepared for Biggest Cheat of All? Same Computer Hackers Who Hacked Vegas Casinos Will Attempt to Steal Election for Democrats. | " 

"WAYNE ROOT: Democrats are Rigging & Cheating 100 Ways to Sunday. But is Trump Campaign Prepared for Biggest Cheat of All? Same Computer Hackers Who Hacked Vegas Casinos Will Attempt to Steal Election for Democrats. | "

"the same genius computer hackers who have successfully extorted hundreds of millions of dollars from Las Vegas casinos have been hired by the Deep State and the Democrat Party to hack this election."

"TREASON: ICE Report Reveals Over 13,000 Murderers, 15,000 Rapists, & 425,000 Convicted Criminals Allowed Into America " 

"TREASON: ICE Report Reveals Over 13,000 Murderers, 15,000 Rapists, and 425,000 Convicted Criminals Allowed Into America by Biden-Harris Open Border"

"Full Story of Heroic Cop Aaron Zaliponi at Butler Rally Emerges: 'Never Took His Red Dot Off of Crooks' | " 

J13 hero ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ
"Adams Township Police Department sergeant Aaron Zaliponi :

At that point I hear another crack and when I start pulling my weapon up, he gets three off. As I'm getting my target acquired and getting my red dot up, I see the gas emit from his barrel, his muzzle. After that I hear the snap of a fifth shot go off and immediately after that I pressed one off and that's when he immediately goes down."

โœ…๐Ÿ‘"Michigan Mail-In Ballots Will Now Only Be Counted with Proof of Signature Verification After RNC Wins Another Lawsuit Against Lawless Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson | " 

"Recent guidance issued by the Michigan Secretary of State will undermine protections for absentee voters, leading to improper handling and counting of absentee ballots. We are suing to protect absentee ballot safeguards in Michigan which will help make it easy to vote and hard to cheat in the Wolverine State."

This was the NINTH lawsuit Jocelyn Benson has lost to the Republican Party!"

"WATCH LIVE: President Trump to Host a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan at 6 PM ET "

WATCH: "We Are Going to CLOSE THE BORDER" - Trump Takes Question From Michigan Autoworker Who Was Just Laid Off: "Illegal Immigrants Are Hurting American Workers Like Me" | 

WATCH: "We Are Going to CLOSE THE BORDER" - Trump Takes Question From Michigan Autoworker Who Was Just Laid Off: "Illegal Immigrants Are Hurting American Workers Like Me"

"Informants Claim Trumpโ€™s Plane Targeted for Assassination โ€” Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S. "

Thursday, September 26, 2024

"FBI Agent Leading Investigation into 2nd Assassination Attempt on Is a Toxic Loon Who Has a History of Anti-Trump Bias "

  Why did milquetoast Wray put this guy of all people in charge of the assassination investigation? โ‰๏ธ

"Jeff Veltri, was the subject of an internal "retaliation investigation" for ANTI-TRUMP and ANTI-CONSERVATIVE bias, a whistleblower revealed last year

" Itโ€™s Absolutely Inexcusable For Nebraska To Not Change To Winner Take All System " 

"should neither candidate receive 270 votes this November, Donald Trump will become the next president.

What is the likelihood that neither candidate reaches 270 electoral votes? In 2024, it is particularly high, which is why Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to prevent Nebraska from joining 48 other states in becoming winner-take-all..."

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ"Watch as Donald Trump Wins Hearts, and Probably a Few Votes, with Super Thoughtful Gesture" โ€“ RedState 

 "In a visit to Sprankle's Neighborhood Market in Leechburg, Pennsylvania, former president Donald Trump helped a mother of three pay for her groceries..." 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Bill Barr 'Dumbfounded' by DOJ's Release of Trump Would-Be Assassin's Letter, Suggests Ominous Purpose โ€“" RedState



"The fact that Secret Service counter snipers had been deployed at all was unique, according to the report. Their addition to the rally's security plans had come in response to "credible intelligence" of a potential threat. .." 

".. DOJ Says Letter Written by Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump was WRITTEN MONTHS BEFORE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION!? " 

He might have been in Butler too. Might there be a connection between him & Crooksโ‰๏ธ

"the FBI said in their pre-trial report that Routh was STALKING President Trump for TWO MONTHS before he attempted to assassinate the former president in September..."

"Luzerne County PA flips to red as GOP takes voter registration lead" 

"Luzerne County Republican Party Chairman Gene Ziemba credited volunteers and groups for outreach efforts that helped flip the county.

"There has been a lot of grassroots work being done by people, individuals, literally, one neighbor at a time," Ziemba said."

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Thy Will Be Done โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธAmeri-๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒPrayer๐Ÿ™

On November 5th, a choice we face,
A leader for this nation's ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ race.
In such a time, we humbly pray ๐Ÿ™ 
That God's true Will, shall light the way.

For wisdom deep, & hearts โค๏ธ sincere,
We ask, O Lord, that You draw near.
May those who seek to lead our land๐Ÿ—ฝ
Be guided by Your sovereign handโœ‹ 

A president who'll stand for truthโœ๏ธ
With honesty, both wise & couth.
Compassion strong, with love that's pure,
For justice โš–๏ธ, may their steps be sure.

Not swayed by greed, nor led by fear,
But firm in faith ๐Ÿ“–, with vision clear.
We pray, O God, You'll send the one
Who'll serve until the race is run.

Let them be kind & integral, with a heart  that hears,
And courage strong when storms โ›ˆ๏ธ appear.
A leader who reflects Your grace โœ๏ธ
And keeps Your law in every place.

For this election, Lord, we cry,
That every heart may seek the sky๐Ÿ‘†
That in this choice, we will obey,
And trust in You, come voting day๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ 

So, guide us through this crucial hour,
With reverence for Your holy powerโšก
May the one who leads us stand
As a righteous steward of this land.

For peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ & truth, we now contend,
To You, O God, our hearts we send.
With faith in You, the work begunโ€”
We pray๐Ÿ™Your will, O Lord, be Done๐Ÿ‘ 

Monday, September 23, 2024

"Young America Is Right To Reject Traditional News | "ZeroHedge 

Why do we keep acting SURPRISED at Lefty liberal sleaze ball corruption tactics? We know they think of this as a War which justifies "anything goes" to win. They don't think in terms of "is this Fair?" They think in terms of "CAN WE GET AWAY WITH IT?" We must accept this as a bedrock rule of the left & not keep making the same " trust " mistakes. Expect them to cheat & break the "rules" in advance & plan accordingly. They have NO SHAME. 
Megan Kelly :
"This was a mistake to trust ABC News with this debate. The Republicans must learn from this mistake the same way the Democrats never agree to moderators they don't entirely trust. This should be the last time the Republicans ever do this because those two moderators tried to sink Donald Trump tonight."

Arabs for Trump "We've never seen anything like this: Trump's latest endorsement ...

Afterwards is too late "Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots & Illegal Voters BEFORE November 1st - Here's How They Are Doing It "

Afterwards is too late. Courts will NOT entertain any contested elections.They don't have the gumption nor the intellect to do so. Period. Full stop. 
We must stop the illegal ballots before they get counted.

 "Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots & Illegal Voters BEFORE November 1st - Here's How They Are Doing It " 

Not Shocking. 
But sickening 
But there's HOPE๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Common Sense Elections is just getting started โ€“ the Red states are next.

In January, CSE is raising the funding to do two dozen statesโ€”building parallel systems with their current official government voter system, running them constantly, cross-searching with other databases, and showing the wildly inaccurate voter rolls in Texas, Ohio, Alabama, Virginia, Missouri, Florida, Mississippi, and several more..."

Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Oklahoma Purges More than 450,000 Ineligible Names from Voter Rolls, Including 100,000 Dead People, & 15,000 Duplicates "

"Rep. Matt Gaetz: There are Five Known Assassination Teams in America Out to Kill President Trump, Three of Them Foreign in Nature"

Biden's nose ๐Ÿ‘ƒ is so long he needs a wheelbarrow to carry it "HE'S SHOT: After Trashing Trump, Joe Biden Claims He "Never Once Spoke" to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Since He Became President - Then This Video Surfaces" 

Biden's nose ๐Ÿ‘ƒ is so long he needs a wheelbarrow to carry it "HE'S SHOT: After Trashing Trump, Joe Biden Claims He "Never Once Spoke" to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Since He Became President - Then This Video Surfaces"

"WAYNE ROOT: We Can Stop the Democrats From Rigging & Stealing This Election. Now. Today. Here's How. |" 

Wayne Root says 
Trump should do this:
"Offer $100 million, or $200 million, or $500 million, to richly reward any of these witnesses who can testify to the nation how Democrats are rigging, & fixing, & stealing this election"

"The Unlikelihood Of A Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmarting The Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, And Butler Law Enforcement Tells Us We Still Do Not Have The Truth"

"New Whistleblower Info Exposes Anti-Trump Bias of Lead FBI Agent Investigating FL Assassination Attempt " 

*Contrary to Director Christopher Wray's recent testimony before your committee, the so-called "Trump questionnaire" was not the only time FBI's SecD interrogated employees about co-workers' support for Donald Trump and views on personal medical decisions, such as whether to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. The evidence clearly contradicts the FBI's recent false claim that it "has not . . . retaliate[d] against individuals who make protected whistleblower disclosures." In fact, the FBI took reprisals against employees it absolutely knew had made protected whistleblower disclosuresโ€”including to Congress."

Unbelievable, or too believable? " Fed Investigators Refuse to Cooperate With Florida Probe" 

Unbelievable, or too believable "DeSantis: Fed Investigators Refuse to Cooperate With Florida's Assassination Attempt Probe โ€“" 

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Ryan Routhโ€™s long, strange journey before potential Trump assassination attempt -"

"Bombshell Transcripts Reveal Trump, in Fact, Ordered National Guard for January 6th โ€” General Milley Confirms " 

"On January 3, 2021, just three days before the protest, General Milley recalled the president saying, "Hey, look at this. There's going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th. Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it's a safe event."

Trump reportedly added, "I don't care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it's safe."

"Leftists Deserve the J6 Treatment" โ€“ The Burning Platform 

"By treating President Trump's speech as the "proximate cause" of other alleged crimes (consisting mostly of questionable trespass violations reimagined and inflated into felonies) committed by strangers, the Biden-Garland-Smith Triumvirate of Tyranny has turned every American's opinion into a potential criminal act...

Trump never called for violence against Joe Biden or the U.S. government. He never urged Americans to revolt against their country. Even on January 6 โ€” the half-day of protest that leftist pundits and politicians say was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War combined โ€” President Trump calmly urged his supporters "to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." 

Surely, if President Trump is responsible for "inciting" a fake "insurrection," Biden and Harris are responsible for inciting two very real assassination attempts"

Trump smackdown: Sorry Howard Stern but NOBODY knows who you are anymore // 

Sorry Howard Stern but Nobody knows who you are anymore except a few deranged lefties 
"And since he's gone woke, his ratings have gone down the tubes," Trump continued

"I don't hate the guy," Stern said of Trump. "I hate the people who vote for him."

Stern would go on to call Trump supporters "stupid" and not worthy of any respect whatsoever.

๐Ÿ‘ " Georgia State Election Board Passes Rule Requiring Hand-Count of Ballots at Precinct Level | "

Really ? "Springfield Mayor Wants Trump, Harris to Stay Away From the Ohio Town. The Reason He Gave Is Laughable".

"Do We Really Believe the Biden Camp Never Responded to This Offer From Iranian Hackers?"

"What Did Kamala Do With the $40 Billion Appropriated for Internet? Not a single person has been connected " 

 WHAT DID KAMALA do with the $42 BILLION๐Ÿ’ฐโ‰๏ธ
"Brendan Carr, Commissioner of the FCC, pointed out that after 1,038 days of Biden-Harris
"Not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion"

Thursday, September 19, 2024

SHAME ON LAMAR: "Largest Billboard Company in US Cancels Catholic Group with Message Supporting Donald Trump " 


"It is interesting to note that CforC volunteers have identified the actual billboard location that was canceled, as being in heavily Catholic Milwaukee, Wisconsin and have put eyes on the boards, only to report back that the opposite sides of the agreed upon boards contain pro Kamala Harris advertisements paid for by the Democrat Party."

"ABC News hits panic button after sworn statement alleging RIGGED DEBATE, David Muir does damage control "

"Massive โ€œERRORโ€ in Arizona Validates Nearly 100,000 Voter Registrations Without Verifying Citizenship โ€” Issue Has Existed for 20 YEARS ''

" J.D. Vance Dunks on New York Times 'Reporter' with Brilliant Response After Media Jackal Tries to Smear Him with a Nasty Question Regarding Haitian Migrants in Springfield "

"Would-Be Trump Assassin: โ€˜DEMOCRACY Is on the Ballot and We Cannot Loseโ€™ โ€“" PJ Media

"FBI Expert Blames Anti-Trump Rhetoric for Assassination Attempt, Warns of More Attempts โ€“" PJ Media

Sorry, she says. But not really ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž"Rachel Vindman 'Apologizes' for Tweets Mocking Second Trump Assassination Attempt "โ€“ PJ Media

"Is Barack Obama Receiving Better Secret Service Protection Than Donald Trump? โ€“" PJ Media

"This Detail Makes the Second Trump Assassination Attempt So Much Worse Than We Thought "โ€“ PJ Media

My thought:

Seems to me that a golf course like Trump's in Mar-A-Lago Palm Beach would have already employed somebody to REGULARLY ROUTINELY drive and/or walk around the entire golf course PERIMETER and look for any kind of irregularities numerous times per day (if not also use a drone) 

Numerous red flags but FBI was more concerned about arresting J6 grandmas 'Beware of American Ryan Routh': Former CIA Analyst Raised Alarm About Would-Be Assassin in 2023 "โ€“ RedState 

Numerous red flags but FBI was more concerned about arresting J6 grandmas 'Beware of American Ryan Routh': Former CIA Analyst Raised Alarm About Would-Be Assassin in 2023 โ€“ RedState

As we sift through the mountain of information uncovered on Routh, one of the most alarming aspects of his history is the fact that numerous red flags were thrown up about him well before he staked out Trump International Golf Club with apparent intent to shoot the former president and GOP presidential nominee. ."

"'We Heard Shots': Trump Describes What Really Happened During Second Assassination Attempt "โ€“ RedState

"Trump Golf Partner Describes 2nd Assassination Attempt: 'I Actually Feel Blessed That I Was There' "โ€“ RedState

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Transcript of The Postal Service Is Ready for the 2024 Elections | Mailinโ€™ It! - The Official USPS Podcast 

This is the USPS attempt to assure We The People that mail -in ballots are safe & secure. 

The thing is, they just 
bring what's given 
them from A to B . 
That's NOT the problem 

WHAT IS WORSE than a far-left immoral radical lefty liberal dem (FLIRL dem) โ‰๏ธ

1. A FLIRL dem who just discovered CrossFit

2. A FLIRL dem with a podcast

3. A FLIRL dem in charge of the group text

4. A FLIRL dem who's also your mother-in-law

5. A FLIRL dem with a megaphone at 6 a.m.

6. A FLIRL dem that's also a vegan influencer

7. A FLIRL dem who doesn't use headphones on public transportation

8. A FLIRL dem who corrects your grammar at parties

9. A FLIRL dem that just binged all of "West Wing"

10. A FLIRL dem who insists on discussing astrology at every dinner party

This is the tiny home website for the golf course assassin, still works several days later: - Camp Box Honolulu

"Florida Trump Shooter's First Follow on X Worked for the CIA - "National File 

"Ryan Routh's first follow on Twitter/X is a former CIA analyst named Dr. Soo Kim, who now works for a CIA-connected government focused management consultancy calling itself LMI, which stands for Logistics Management Institute."

" Trump gunman exploited security hole that Secret Service has known for years"

So freakin disgusting "ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: 'Fact-checking' Was Only Planned for Trump" 


these people don't even know that they are leading their own children into the abyss 

"ABC Moderator Linsey Davis ADMITS: 'Fact-checking' Was ONLY Planned for Trump "

Social worker makes over a MILLION๐Ÿ’ฐper year in Ohio helping to place Haitian immigrants 

Social worker makes over a MILLION๐Ÿ’ฐper year in Ohio helping to place Haitian immigrants

 "Marvena Twigg is President & CEO of NYAP which is directly responsible for the importation of Haitians into places like Ohio.

The organization has received nearly $300 million of YOUR taxes and MINE..

Marvena makes $1.2 million a year at her work which is focused on destroying communities and laughing all the way to the bank.."

johnny maga on X: "Trump personally invited every officer from the Martin County Sheriffs Office

"'FRAME IT'! WaPo's Philip Bump Serves Up One of the Biggest 'Trump Pounces' Doozies of All Time "โ€“ Twitchy 

 HUNTING DEER ?๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…

 The infamous far left radical lefty Philip Bump wrote this: 
"Routh's intent in being at the golf course on Sunday and any motivations ARE STILL UNCERTAIN as of writing. He was charged in federal court Monday with two gun-related crimes. In social media posts attributed to him, he did express anger at Trump's effort to retain power after the 2020 election, including criticism of the Capitol riot. He also posted in April that "DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose."

Normally I wouldn't post a wapo article but this one's non-partisan " Why Trumpโ€™s golf course outings were of high concern for Secret Service " 

Normally I wouldn't post a wapo article but this one's non-partisan " Why Trump's golf course outings were of high concern for Secret Service "

The part of the course where Trump was playing at the time, Bradshaw added, is adjacent to both Summit Boulevard and S. Congress Avenue, busy thoroughfares near Palm Beach International Airport..."

Monday, September 16, 2024

The 2nd assassin Ryan Routh "had BIDEN-HARRIS sticker on his pickup truck"

"Donald Trump Was Right, Democrats Support Abortions Up to Birth and Infanticide - "

Immoral sickos "Radical Abortion Activists are Spending $15 Million Attacking Trump in battleground States - "

"Kamala Harris is Out of Touch With Most Americans, We Donโ€™t Want Abortions Up to Birth - "

"Christian Voters are Supporting Donald Trump Over Kamala Harris - "

"The Background on the Alleged Suspect in New Trump Assassination Attempt Is Something Else "โ€“ RedState 

"..through ActBlue. He purportedly made 19 donations since 2019, including for individual 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidates including former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-TX), Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer, and Sen. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA). .."

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gee, I Wonder WHY ๐Ÿค”. Say 'Thanks Kamala ' "DEPRESSION Among Americans at New High" โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“ 

Gee, I Wonder WHY ๐Ÿค” 
Say "Thanks Kamala "

 Among Americans
 Has Reached A
 New High"

"ABC goes silent when asked whether debate time was donation to Harris campaign with $40 million ๐Ÿ’ฐ

The 2nd Trump assassin was apparently the owner or employee at a tiny home business in Hawaii

"What We Know About Ryan Wesley Routh, 2nd Would-Be Trump Assassin -" The Maine Wire

Another NEAR MISS MIRACLE "Gunman Was Close to Trump Because 'He's Not Sitting President'-Sheriff Says "

"Ryan Wesley Routh, Would-be Trump Assassin, Fought in Ukraine, Supports War -" Newsweek

โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™"gunshots fired by Secret Service re perp with gun staking out Trump at golf course. FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt " 

"gunshots fired by the US Secret Service At perpetrator at FL  golf course  FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt "

"Former Clinton Advisor Calls for an Investigation Into the ABC Debate "โ€“ PJ Media

"If True, the ABC News Presidential Debate Could Be Rocked by Explosive Scandal "โ€“ PJ Media 

#BidenForTrump : Biden puts on a Trump ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒMAGA๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ cap at 911 remembrance ceremony

Friday, September 13, 2024

"BREAKING: Pennsylvania Court Ruling a Massive Election Integrity Win on Mail-In Ballots "โ€“ RedState

GET THIS TO TRUMP'S EYES ๐Ÿ‘€"The key is getting President Trump to see this,& investigate the claims, 

"Trump is going to lose Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - because he cannot stop mail-in ballots from strip malls, Walmarts and gas stations.
With quantum tech, we can stop 60% - 70% of these ballots from going to ineligible addresses - if we start soon.

We can track every ballot from the day it goes out, to the day it comes back, right up until election day - showing a ballot from an abandoned building or strip mall - with a photo of the decrepit building.


GET THIS TO TRUMP'S EYES ๐Ÿ‘€"The chilling mail-In ballot theory involving Walmarts, strip malls, and gas stations that could doom Trump... -" 

"In each swing state, we can show between 400,000 and 750,000 anomalous identity/property combinations โ€“ from which a mail-in ballot will be mailed โ€“ 67% of which are address-ineligible โ€“ to win for Biden."

"the key is getting President Trump to see this, investigate the claims, and see if this is something he needs to put on the front burner as we inch closer to 2024..."

Pray as if the future of the world ๐ŸŒŽ depends upon it,... BECAUSE IT DOES 

Pray as if the future 
 of the world ๐ŸŒŽ 
depends upon it,...

"And we can, and truly MUST, fervently PRAY. Indeed, remember God's shining promise in 2 Chron 7:14: 

"If my people ...shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek my face, ... I will HEAR from HEAVEN,.."

"'Disgraceful': ABC News repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting Kamala slide " & FALSE fact- checking 

"'Disgraceful': ABC News repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting Kamala slide " & FALSE fact- checking ... They didn't even get the fact - checks right. They compounded insult with injury and accused Trump of lying when he was actually being very honest and truthful. But not vice versa when Kamala was clearly lying. 

'jim Morrison & the doors come out of retirement & the grave to record this new hit single re Kamala the Liar '

'Serial lies and distortions': ABC Network stung for letting Kamala Harris get away with lying" 

Seems to me there should be a THREAT OF SEVERE FINES and other PAINFUL PUNISHMENT for the network who moderates the debate if ex post facto they are found to have allowed LIES to be DISSEMINATED during the debate and other irregularities. Otherwise, there's no disincentive given they are liberal lefties and want Trump to lose. They're getting a little bad press but that's about it.&only from the conservatives. As far as ABC is concerned they're happy with the outcome of the debate. They think of themselves as having done their job by helping Kamala. That's how lefties roll. 

"'The land of 10,000 lakes is now a land of lawlessness': Tim Walz trans-promoting schemes get court review "

"Trump Was Right: New Study Shows Countless Lives Could Have Been Saved with Hydroxychloroquine "

"Debate Moderator Linsey Davis Is Kamala's Sorority Sister "

"Undercover video: Google insider confirms suspicions ... admits Google coordinating with Kamala 

"This follows his exposure on hidden camera, where he admitted Google has been coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign and manipulating search engine ads to favor her in the 2024 election."

'Linsey Davis is a liar': Social media deliver abortion truth bomb to presidential debate moderator "

Thursday, September 12, 2024

" Kamala did so bad in last night's debate, Joe Biden just put on a Trump hat. "


WHAT A FREAKIN FIASCO BY ABC. They allowed the lefty liberal moderators to DELIBERATELY LIE, injecting their own FALSE FACTS into the debate in front of almost 100 MILLION viewers (& how many more listeners?) . LINSEY DAVIS should have been fired IMMEDIATELY.

LINSEY DAVIS TOLD A 100% ABSOLUTE LIE, SAYING "There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born,"

Trump's assertion was 100%

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America:
"This is 100% inaccurate. Her statement tragically ignores the reality of babies who survive failed, late-term abortions but are DENIED basic medical care & left to die...We [demand] a SWIFT CORRECTION from Ms. Linsay Davis & ABC . It is undeniable that babies are born in this country after failed abortions, as the facts below demonstrate," she continued.
including "numerous examples of babies born alive after failed abortions" and a Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimate that "between 2003 - 2014, around 143 babies died after being born alive following failed abortions."

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"Taylor Swiftโ€™s refusal to endorse Kamala Harris shows sheโ€™s โ€˜cynicalโ€™ about politics: report"

Poor Barron has to deal with professors at NYU who HATE his dad . Why didn't he try Hillsdale

"RFK, Jr. โ€˜disappointedโ€™ in debate moderators: They DIDNโ€™T fact-check Harris a single time" | Fox News Video 

"RFK, Jr. 'disappointed' in debate moderators: They DIDN'T fact-check Harris a single time" 

"The Memes From the Haitian Invasion of Ohio Have Been Gold"

"What does mitochondrial dysfunction have to do with 2024 election? * " Trump agrees there's a health problem 

"Healthy fats are being replaced by processed carbohydrates, sugars, artificial flavorings, and synthesized oils, all of which damage mitochondria. (It has been said, and it is pitifully accurate, that America's most successful export product has been obesity.).."

Monday, September 9, 2024

"Bidenโ€™s astonishing vacation total revealed โ€” prez took 48 years worth of leave in 4 " 

Biden " racked up 532 vacation days โ€” roughly 48 YEARS OF VACATIONS, per shocking data compiled by the RNC... using Expedia's Annual Vacation Deprivation Report, based on the average vacation time taken by Americans โ€” 11 days a year, .."

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NO, the Philly Eagles have NOT endorsed Kamala 

NO, the Philly Eagles have 
NOT endorsed Kamala 

"From the Eagles:
'We are aware that counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed..."

FAIL: Fake Ads Endorsing Kamala as the "Official Candidate of the Philadelphia Eagles" Spark Outrage Among Fans - Team Issues Statement | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson

"She Can Go to Hell" J.D. Vance Blasts Kamala Harris for Attacking President Trump at Arlington 

Leave it to a satanic radical lefty liberal like Kamala to take a GREAT THING & make it seem bad ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trump's care for gold star families is stupendous ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

"Pres. Trump: "It has to be God. How can you say it's luck when it's 20 million to one?"

Monday, September 2, 2024

Radical lefty scumbag Jon Tester trying to lure female University of Montana students to endorse him 

Radical lefty scumbag Jon Tester trying to lure female University of Montana students to endorse him by offering money paymentsl๐Ÿค‘ . But those with principles are saying 

" Jon Tester was one of 51 Democrats who voted AGAINST the "Protection of Women and Girls in Sports" Act"

"Kamala's Border Chaos: San Diego Sector Out of Control - Illegals Arriving from Jordan, China, and India"

"'Blood on their hands!' Trump goes nuclear on Harris and Biden as American hostage found dead * " 

"Sadly, this is the total lack of 'Leadership" that Kamala & Biden represent โ€“ One that allows terrorists to take American lives, because they only care about Weaponizing the Department of Justice against their Political Opponent.

"Just like the Debacle of the Afghanistan Withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives, Kamala & Biden's judgment has not only put lives at risk, but is directly responsible for unnecessary deaths that should have never happened.

"Our Country & our amazing people are not safe under Joe Biden, & will be less safe under Kamala Harris. This terror would have never happened if I were President, & it will stop the day I am back in the Oval Office. America will be Strong Again, & that will make the World Safe & Secure!"

Sunday, September 1, 2024

"Who's Running the Country? Joe Biden Spends His 16th Straight Day on Vacation Lounging on the Beach"

"Jim Jordan Starts Inquiry Into Jack Smith's New Trump Indictment, Calls It 'Election Interference' โ€“" RedState

Kamalaโ€™s McDonaldโ€™s Fabrication :NO RECORD of Harris EVER being EMPLOYED 

Why does Kamala think we care if she worked at McDonald's. She thinks the working class will relate to her this way or something? 

"McDonalds corporate came out and stated there is NO RECORD of Harris EVER being EMPLOYED at one of its locations. .."

"JD Vance Decimates Kamala's Vile Attempt to Attack Trump and Politicize Arlington Visit "โ€“ RedState

Absolutely "Trump announces he's voting against Florida's abortion Amendment 4, calling it too extreme "

Say thanks to Kamala who could care LESS ''Multiple Buildings Have 'Fallen' to Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado''

"Trump-Vance Campaign Rolls Out Brutal New Ad Using This Line From Harris' CNN Interview

TRUTH ME: Truth Details | Truth Social

Even Tim Walz brother, Jeff Walz,DOESN'T support him ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚

Yes, Needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY! "After Trumpโ€™s Victory: No Unity Without A reckoning"    "On Wednesday it was reported t...